1. It is famous for having all the vitamins you need for the day. One cucumber contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4 and B6, iron, potassium and zinc.
  2. When you feel tired during the day, eat one cucumber that can give you energy for several hours.
  3. Your skin needs cucumber to remove dead cells and wrinkles. Apply or rub cucumber slices on the face or the affected area and you will see wonders in a few days.
  4. If you want to get rid of a 'hangover' or a severe headache, eat a cucumber that has enough sugar and vitamins that will keep things right in the body.
  5. You are late for the interview, the shoes are dirty, take cucumber slices and rub them in the shoes. They will shine.
  6. After eating, you feel bad breath during the day. Chew cucumber slices and you will get a good smell of mouth.
  7. Are your lips dry and sore? Take a piece of cucumber and rub it in your mouth, you will see a change in the lips.
  8. You missed lunch, eat one cucumber without peeling and it will stay in your stomach for more than eight hours.
  9. You made a mistake writing on a board or wall, take cucumber peels and rub them slowly, the ink or paint will be completely erased.
  10. Also, cucumber has a good ability to clean mirrors that are dirty or salt water.
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