Courgette, also known as zucchini, is a summer squash that is native to the Americas. They were first domesticated in Mexico and Central America over 7,000 years ago and then introduced to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century.

In Africa, its not very clear if Courgette was introduced to the continent by Portuguese traders in the 15th century or by Italian immigrants in the early 20th century. However it's currently a very popular crop in the continent.

Courgette or Zucchini or squash has Fruits, leaves and flowers that are used as vegetables, and their seeds are consumed roasted as a snack food. Zucchini has a mild flavour and is very watery. It is often harvested when still very young. At this stage it is also called squash or courgette. Because the fruit has very little flavour of its own it is often used as a base for making savoury dishes. The seeds can be scooped out of and replaced with a filling – this can then be baked.

Maturity Duration: 2.5 to 3 months

Expected Yield: Up to 3-5 tons per Acre

Growing Season per Year: Two seasons on rain fed and three on irrigation

Nutritional Value:  Energy: 16.0 / 1%; Carbohydrates: 3.3 / 1%; Proteins: 1.2 / 2%; Vitamin A: 17.0 / 28%.

Altitude:   500 - 2000 m above sea level

Rainfall: above 800mm

Temperature:  17-22°C

Soils:  Require rich, well-drained soil that is able to retain moisture.

PH: 5.5 to 5.9 

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