Tea originated from the high regions of South West China, Myanmar, and North East India. In Kenya tea ranks as the second most important cash crop in terms of foreign exchange earnings. Tea is used worldwide as a beverage. Primarily, tea was drunk as black tea. But in Africa tea is mixed with milk and is commonly referred to as white tea. Recently, organic green tea, purple tea and instant tea are manufactured in increasing quantities.

Maturity Duration: A tea bush takes about 3 years to mature

Expected Yield: 2-2.5 tons of green leaves per acre.

Growing Season per Year: Tea picking is pretty throughout but the season peaks at October – December, and March – June.

Nutritional Value: Energy ; Carbohydrates ; Fat ; Protein ; Phosphorus ; Iron ; Pottasium  ; Thiamine (vit. B1) ; Riboflavin.

Altitude:   1500 - 2200 meters above sea level

Rainfall: 2000 - 2200 mm of rainfall annually

Temperature:  18 – 20°C

Soils: Deep volcanic (1.8 - 2.0m), well-drained and aerated.

PH: 4.0 – 6.0 

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